Can you hear the rain fall?
"The only thing I don't like about you is your tummy."
*wince* So much for it getting smaller.
I have half a mind to chop it off with a knife or a chainsaw.
Well no, but I wish I could just remove it. Haha~~
Anyway, yesterday was Shrek's birthday. Yi Ning, Nico, Yen Tink and I bought him a cake and wanted to surprise him, but he caught us... haha.. Little surprise ruined! So much for that. But he was happy. Happy he was! (Yes, I'm a wonderful friend. Wakaka~)
Too bad Shrek fell into the drain and got hurt. Ouch. I do hope it doesn't hurt much.
After that, I stayed back in college to watch the finals of the inter-program drama competition, which started at eight. Was too lazy to drive all the way home and drive back. Made little progress in studying economics in the library.. Am DOOMED! Trial's are on Wednesday. Oh the horror!!! *insert terrified face here*
All the performances in the competition were really good. My favourite performance was a monologue by a girl. She was amazing!
"It's raining.
Can you hear the rain fall?"
Can you hear the rain fall?"
Those were her first lines. She was a mother who had apparently (I say apparently because she denies it herself) murdered her son. It was so sad. I actually started tearing up at one point. At the end, she said she could hear them coming. They were going to take her out to the gallows. *sob* Her last line:
"Can you hear the rain fall?"
She won 3rd for best actress and 3rd for best performance too. Hehe.. She deserved it! ^^
The performance that won 1st was hilarious. It was about a kampung girl who went to study in the city. Haha!! At one point, her house mates brought her out clubbing. Man oh man, the way she danced was priceless!
"My name is Charlie. Remember my name. Because you'll be screaming it all night."
The ending was very unexpected. Her friend from the kampung came to find her and poisoned her to death because she didn't keep her promise, which was to go back to visit her in the kampung.
"I told you to keep your promise."
The lights go out. She takes out a flashlight and shines it on her face from below. Then, she does an evil laugh. XD!! The whole room exploded in laughter. Really. How did they come up with that?
The 2nd place winners did a lot of freezing. The girl in the middle didn't even blink! Haha~~ Wow.
All in all, it was great fun. Glad I went for it. ^^